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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cover the hair and leave the back

Cover the hair and leave the back
When it becomes a concern and veneers a concept of our lives and our religiosity surface of the platform, and it is difficult to flatten and hide any logic, with the spread of the hijab and the veil and Isdal of Darkness Iran entails and what clothes and alien to our society are not unrelated to religion, not clothing and appearance, but is behavior and performance, and Acts of Worship, it is true that Islam has encouraged us to chastity and modesty in clothing, but if things turned for the suppression of micro-suppressed desires, this will be reflected in the large, often there are many sins committed by the bearded and veiled and veiled or even Almtsdlat, lesson you are not the masters of interesting things with the omission of sub-essence of true religion, and customs, but these had been worn from the dark to us, known to extend the result of the Saudi through which those who have worked there from the beginning of the seventies, and then made clothes backward habits and the spread of fire to spread like wildfire in our society and delicate religious nature, and then followed the evolution and development of the veil and Isdal and the rest came, and here we see the evolution that has taken place of the girls in the hijab is not covering it is only hair, we have seen the cover of her hair and wear tight clothes or transparent or revealing, because it wants to be the fashion, and young girls want to live and age, but they freed and underdevelopment facing the community and their families, society as a whole, which has become a society of the veil, we are not against the veil, but must be by the right tenets which urged that the religion and lives of every child's age, and even choose what you want to move away from repression to the existing culture of the community away from the hair and leave it covered until the rest do not fall under the "Oh Oh Oh Oh," the opinion of Mr. Tawfiq Aldakkin

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